Drugs injury the Ibiza’s image

December 18, 2008


Ibiza is an Spanish island perfect for spend some holidays

Ibiza is an Spanish island perfect for spend some holidays




Finber Meter Kelly, a 27-year-old Irish tourist went to Ibiza in 2005 to know one of the islands with more night march of the planet. His vacation package included the income to the major discotheques that guarantee party three consecutive days. Finber passed 72 hours drinking, dancing and drugging himself especially, with GHB. A cardiorespiratory-stop, after a renal failure, put the final point to his history. He chose another way to spend his holidays.


 “If it’s nightlife you’re after, you’ve come to the right island. Ibiza has a hedonistic heritage stretching back more than 30 years. Top clubs, on form djs, hot bands, a cosmopolitan mix of clubbers…” 

If you goggle “Ibiza” on the Internet you can find this text in the website that appears on the top of the list. It seems that this place is wonderful but it also has a dark-side that a lot of people do not know. Nowadays is increasing the people that go to Ibiza for one purpose: do the things that they never would do in the country where they live. And most of those people are from United Kingdom.



This Spanish island located in the Mediterranean Sea about 80 km off the coast is definitely gorgeous.  Ibiza is often called White Island (la Isla Blanca) and is the most beautiful of the Balearic Islands. Is has Amazing beaches densely covered with pine trees. It is also a paradise for shoppers.

In 2005, an important Spanish newspaper called El País, made a report called “The drug brakes Ibiza´s magic”.

In august the 8th of 2005 happened the first confirmed death in Spain by GHB (a

kind of drug bad common known as “liquid extasy”). The man dad died was Finber Meter Kelly, an Irish tourist.

It was not a case isolated: in the first fortnight of August there were 21 incomes for this drug. In the report you can also read that Can Mises, the hospital of Ibiza, is, with London, Berlin, and the Clinical one of Barcelona, one of the sanitary centres of the world that more poisoned gets by consumption of narcotics.


The population of the island is quadrupled in summer. Only in August in 2005, in this hospital, of less than 200 beds, they attended to 135 serious poisonings for consumption of drug, and 32 were cases of deep coma for GHB. The doctor of urgencies Alfredo Cenarro makes clear that the profile repeats itself. “80 % is foreign, males, nearby at the age of 25 and Anglo-Saxons,” said the doctor.

 And this is only the top of the iceberg. “We attend to a minimal piece. Many of these commas that are attended in the door of the discotheques by sanitary peolpe, others pass it in his hotels or in the beach or the street,” makes clear doctor Cenarro.





After this first death by consuming drugs, people started to think about possible solutions to resolve this problem.  Some people that live in the island think that the tourism had brought a lot of benefits for them like good roads or first marks shops  but it also has lowered the quality of life. The Ibiza’s teenagers are the most precocious in consumption of drugs, according to a study on the consumption of narcotics realized is Spain. The island has also become a paradise for the drugs trafficants.  Headlines of all the Spanish newspapers say that. In September 2005, the police arrested around 26 people.



Antena 3, one Spanish TV channel, emitted another report in 2005 where two boys were followed by journalist in a party-tour in Ibiza. The boys do not have any problem to show to the camera all the different kind of drugs that they take during a 48 hours-party.


TV report (In Spanish)


So drugs are changing the image of this beautiful island where normally people go there for rest and enjoy its awesome beaches.

In the last edition of the informer (printed edition) it appeared an article about some students whose drinks have been spiked. Student Union is sending out an alert about that. The  SU vicepresident Daniel Morville is very concerned about recent incidents happened in Lloyds bar.

All we know that Carlisle is not Ibiza, but drugs are everywhere so one possible prevention to do not get poisonated is to look after the drinks in the nights out.

A walk in Lisbon

December 18, 2008

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. The population of this city is around one million people so  it is not very packed. It is also one of the warmest capitals of Europe. In spring and summer temperatures are around 30 ºC so it is perfect for those one who want to go for a walk. The “nightlife” is fun, there are huge commercial centers and some beaches situated few kilometers far away from the city centre.

Joao Rodrigues is Portuguese and has lived in Povoa de Santa which is situated near Lisbon. He had visited this city a lot of times and he know which places are the best.

Lisbon is a good place to visit

Lisbon is a good place to visit





FULL NAME: João Miguel de Jesus Rodrigues

DATE OF BIRTH AND PLACE: 29/05/86 Bonfim (Porto)

1)      When did you go to Lisbon the first time? What did you feel when you put one of foot in the capital of your country?          

I don´t remember that I felt because I was a baby (laughs)


2)      What could be interesting in Lisbon to visit? (Monuments, restaurants, beaches, pubs, discos…)


There is a lot of good places to visit in Lisbon Centre such as The Castle that is called Castelo de São Jorge. A lot of people go there because it has an important mark in Portugal history and it is very peaceful and quite. You can go to the famous Expo 98 that now is called Parque das Nações, despite almost all of the buildings are closed now. But there are still very good places to go there like the ocianario.


Not only because Lisbon is the capital of Portugal but because a lot of tourists go there, there are a lot of good restaurants with good meals. But, naturally, the meals could be a bit expensive so normally what “Alfacinhas” or “Mouros” (people from Lisbon) do is go to the old part of Lisbon where the restaurants are not as expensive, not so fancy but you can eat well and have a good time.


The weather in Lisbon is very warm in summer so a lot of tourists go there for a little sunbath. The best beaches are in the southwest coast of the big Lisbon, like all Cintra coast and Carcavelos (one of the best beaches).

Night out in Lisbon is very busy. People normally go to the pubs or bars like As Docas or Irish Coffee from around11:00 pm until 3:00 am and then go to the discos and night clubs like kremlin, Queens or Buda from 3:00am until 9:00 am.


3)      What are the main differences between the capital and Porto?

There are not many differences between Lisbon and Porto but I find Porto more noisy and I think Lisbon has more new places and buildings than Porto.

4)    Would you live there if you have a chance?

It is not in my plans to leave in Porto but you never know…

5)      When is the best season of the year to go to Lisbon?

Summer because it is very warm, Christmas time because town gets very pretty, and June is a nice time to go there because there is the Santos Populares and there are parties around all over the town. 



 La Baixa is the principal area of the old part of Lisbon and it is the busiest place of the city. La Baixa is a zone of straight and squared streets that was built after the massive earthquake that destroyed the city in 1755. The best way to know this area is to go for a walk and to submerge among its streets.


The Lisbon Earthquake

On the morning of 1st November of 1755 a huge earthquake struck in the capital of Portugal. It was the Catholic holiday of All Saint´s day… It causes fissures around five meters wide in the city centre. Approximately forty minutes after the earthquake an enormous tsunami engulfed the harbor and the downtown. Between three-and-a-half and six minutes around 80,000 people were killed.



Luggage in airports

December 18, 2008

EasyJet is one of the low-cost companies

EasyJet is one of the low-cost companies

Nowadays a lot of people travel by plane. There are low-cost companies that allow traveling for an attainable price practically anywhere. One of the things that could cause trouble is the luggage because most or the airline companies has reduced the weight permitted and had increased the baggage controls. Why? Because they try to save fuel to increase their benefits. In addition, those companies only allow carrying 40 or 50 kilograms in long flights and it is necessary to put all the stuff in two suitcases of 20-25 kilograms each. 


Peter Greenberg told in one Website how EasyJet company charged him $1100 for extra weight in two different flights. And he warned the company before pick the flight.

Greenberg basically concluded that EsyJet, Ryanair or another low-cost airline companies are good to people that do not use to travel. But, for “big-travelers” like him, those companies are inappropriate. He would never travel again with Easy Jet.

Some of the flights companies manage to earn more money in different ways. One of them is changing the baggage rules in the different countries and in different times. Therefore some people would not realize that their trip would be much more expensive than they expected.

In England for example, if you flight with EasyJet, it is only permitted to carry one hand-bag per person. “In Spain I flew with EasyJet and they let me carry one hand-bag and the laptop with me. But in John Lennon airport (Liverpool) they didn’t let me bring my laptop. They say that it was only permitted one bundle per person, so I paid extra weight. It was only €14 but, anyways, I think that these low-cost companies manage to earn more money in some unacceptable ways,” says Spanish student Pablo Tuñón who flew on December 2008.

So today more than never it is necessary to be careful in the airports. Since 9/11 security has increased and that had given a chance to the airline companies to make more money. Moreover, fuel prices are bigger and that harms those companies.

The Paris-Dakar wine tour

December 17, 2008

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

A student from the University of Santiago the Compostela Pablo Castelo says that he has tried to complete the “Paris-Dakar tour” a couple of times without success.  

In Santiago de Compostela (Spain) there is another Paris Dakar very different from the African car-race we use to see in the screens every year. In this one, there are no cars. The three most important things are wine, bars and people. This weird stunt starts in a bar called Paris and ended in another one called Dakar. There are around thirty bars in total in both sides of Franco Street. The Paris is a bar that remains just at the entry of the Franco. The Dakar, the last one. The human being who could do the complete “wine tour” coming consciously to the Dakar will be invited to all he had taken in the whole street. Buy it is very hard to complete it. “Some time ago, one of my flatmates drunk 20 “cuncas” (20 glasses of wine) and therefore he visited 20 bars.”

Go for a walk throw the city, have a quiet dinner, speak in a pub or go to some cultural activity. You can do any of these things in Santiago. No matter the age and no matter the season of the year.

Santiago de Compostela is situated in the northwest of Spain. It is the last stop of “El Camino de Santiago”, a religious traditional path that has become very popular in all over the world. The Cathedral, situated in the old part of the city, is huge and elegant.

One thing that makes this city different from the others is that citizens use to go to drink some wines in a special way. There are some different stunts despite Paris-Dakar.  “Ir de vinos” means to have some glasses of wine in every bar you stop. With every wine you also get a free “tapa” that could be some paella, some brave potatoes, octopus, etc. The free “tapa” changes from one place to another. The glass of wine costs less than one pound and it is worth.

Santiago de Compostela is never empty at all. Its streets are full of people, most of them young. They study at The University of Santiago de Compostela that is around 500 years old. The only negative point of Santiago could be the weather. It usually rains, but the city does not lose its charm. There are a lot of stories surrounded this magic place. Would not be marvelous take part in one of them?

A Guarda between Spain and Portugal

December 17, 2008

Sightseeing of A Guarda

Sightseeing of A Guarda

Have you ever been in the top of a hill were you can see Spain and Portugal at the same time?  From the mountain of Santa Tecla it is possible. It is situated in A Guarda, a little town in the North West of Spain. It is the second place more visited of Galicia after the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

One thing that make special to this mountain is that it has some Celtic ruins in the top of it. Nobody knows what the Celtics that lived there move so far away from the sea. One possible hypothesis is that they use it to protect themselves from the enemies (pirates that came to conquest another fields). Stay in a high place could be less dangerous than live near the river or the sea, where the attack could be definitive. Another hypothesis would be that the water in that time could be more plentiful so the Celtic houses would be nearer the river.

The Miño river act as a barrier among Spain and Portugal. The river mouth of the Miño is seen perfectly from the top of the mountain of Santa Tecla. It is also possible to see the sea and other mountains that surround the town of A Guarda as well as the surrounding villages. In the delta of the river, just when the sea begins, it exists a Portuguese fortification that it used to be a prison. It is called A Insua and only it is possible to accede to it by ship.

A Guarda has some beaches such as El Molino, EL Puntal or La Alamiña. All of them are next to a  woodland of pines. Also it exists to places where there are waterfalls and they are in the next towns (O Rosal and Oia). They are good pleasant places to spend a picnic-day with friends in summer.

Sea food is one of the best points of A Guarda. A lot of citizens have ships in different ports of all over Galicia. Fishing is basic for the economy of this little town situated in the northwest of Spain.

This place is good for footpaths. The municipality provides a pleasant setting to practice a variety of activities in contact with Nature. The beauty of its natural surrounding and its reduced extension (20.5 km) allow short walks in the municipality.

If you want to have a relax time, A Guarda could be a nice choice.

The Night In White in Madrid

December 17, 2008






La Noche en Blanco takes place also in Madrid

La Noche en Blanco takes place also in Madrid

For the last three years La Noche En Blanco (The Night In White) had been taking place also in Madrid, Spain. Around 250 free events are available to anyone who wants to spend some cultural time in a beautiful city during the night.

This event is part of the White Nights of Europe which includes cities like Paris, Rome, Brussels, Madrid, Riga and Bucharest as well as La Valleta, Malta. On the same night every year, each city presents its own all night cultural program. This year was the incorporation of The Valleta, Malta. All the European appointments have turned already into an artistic contemporary modal for their citizens, with the value added of their gratuitousness and their aptitude to promote civic attitudes and to wake the interest up for the art, the culture and the city


“I attended this festival for a few hours, and I saw tens of thousands of people roaming the streets and watching performances- says Roy Barnes in one Web site  It was so crowded that Metro (the subway line of Madrid, Spain) trains going into the center of town (where many of the performances took place) were jammed like sardine cans. Thankfully though, the nighttime weather was mild with a bit of a breeze.”


Some streets are closed off to automobile traffic during this event. Tens of thousands of people were walking on. The street has many retail shops and noticeable advertising, and is a bit like Times Square or Piccadilly Circus.


The dream of several generations of Spanish jazz players came to the sleepless night in 2008. The National Orchestra of Jazz offered a concert in the Spanish Congress of the Deputies. The creation of this orchestra in the year 1999 supposed the definitive recognition of the labor of interpreters and composers of the genuinely Spanish jazz. Directed by Ramon Farrán, the National Orchestra of Jazz is formed by fifty musicians and possesses the collaboration of figures as relevant as Antonio Canales.


Museums, concerts, magic shows… could be worthy to spend a night in any of the cities where The Night in White takes place.



Caption for the picture: La Noche en Blanco takes also place in Madrid


International students speak about Carlisle

December 17, 2008

Fusehull street Campus in Carlisle. University of Cumbria

Fusehull street Campus in Carlisle. University of Cumbria


Carlisle is a town situated in the north of England. One thing that makes this place unique is the students live. Lancaster, Braptom and Fusehill Street Campus have been recently mixed up building the University of Cumbria.

This year around 30 international students have come to improve their knowledge of theirs degrees. Mackenzie (New York, United States), Mónica (Navarra, Spain) and Sandra (Hong Kong, China) are three girls that symbolize this kind of people that chose to spend some time in another country.   





          Question 1. Is Carlisle better or worse has your thought before you came here?  Why?


Mackenzie (United States): Carlisle is much prettier than I thought. Accommodation is good location and nothing really to complain about except the internet. The people have all be very nice and helpful. I enjoy most the pubs but wish there were a few more clubs open later. I knew the weather would be rainy and grey but it’s still a bit depressing.


Sandra (China): This more remote than I thought, but the landscapes are beautiful, people here are very nice, I didn’t expect all these things.


Mónica (Spain):  Before I came here some people tell me that this place would not be very good because the weather, the food and people. Now I have spent some time here in Carlisle and I think that is not as bad. The food is ok, the weather is similar were the place I live (Pamplona, North of Spain) and the people are conciseness of our situation.


          Question 2. Are the classes in the University of Cumbria very different from the Uni of your country? Why? What do you think about the teachers?



Mackenzie (United States): The classes here are very different from home and I don’t really like the set up here as much as home. My education at home is a general education which means I take my main classes of study (art studio) but still have to fulfill general requirements like, math, history, English etc. so I’m not used to concentrating in just one area of my degree, and feel it’s a bit unorganized. The teachers are all very nice.

Sandra (China) The classes are smaller here, we used to have around 35 people in a class, around 80 people in a big lecture class.


Mónica (Spain) Here there are more pactices than in Spain. The teachers are competent and they keep an eye on us to make our live in the University easier.




          Question 3: What is, in your opinion, the best pub in Carlisle to go for a night out? Why? Which one is the worst?


Mackenzie (United States): Still searching for the best pub but I’ve enjoyed mostly all of them. I’m a fan of the Globe since it’s so close and I don’t have to walk in the cold. I also enjoy Fats and Concrete. I will not go to Terminal One but because of the staff and my own personal issues with them, but the club itself is pretty nice.


Sandra (China): I didn’t be in many pubs, but I think the best one, probably Terminal 1, and the worst is Calvar bar (laughs).


Mónica (Spain): In all the pubs I have been I passed I real time. I think Concrete is the best on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I also like Walkabout and Time Bar.


          Question  4: Have you been travelling somewhere since you arrive here? Where did you go? Was it good?


Mackenzie (United States): Since I’m from New York and the tickets to come to Europe are quite expansive and it’s relatively unexpansive to travel within Europe I wanted to take full advantage. Make the best out of it while I could. I’ve been to Scotland, Ireland, Barcelona, Italy soon and various places in England. I’ve enjoyed all the places very much i’ve been and I’m very interested in other countries cultures and the beauty it has within it. I wish I had more time to travel places and learn more.


Sandra (China): I went to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull and York since I came here, I like Edinburgh the most, it’s stunning, the building, the castle, the costumes and nightlife there.



Mónica (Spain): I have been in Workington, Newcastle and London. Sandra, one friend of mine invited us (me and another Spanish girls) to go to her house in Workington and it was nice. In Newcastle we spent one day visiting museums and stuff. London was amazing I recommend everyone to go there but with money and time.


Question 5: – What is the best thing to be an international student? Would you recommend a friend to spend some of their time in another country to learn a different language?


Mackenzie (United States): The best thing about being an International student is getting to meet new people and making relationships with them that will hopefully last and learning from them. It’s also a beautiful thing to learn about another countries culture and way of life. Well since I speak English the language part wasn’t to difficult for me but from being around the International students I have high respects for them doing what they’re doing and they make me want to study in a different country and learn their language, which is the next thing to do on my list.


Sandra (China): The best thing for me is I only need to study 3 modules, while other local students have to study 5 or 6 modules. I have lots of leisure time, sometimes, too much for me. I recommend people I know spending their time in another country to learn a different language.



Mónica (Spain): To be an international student is an incredible experience. Maybe it could be hard in the beginning because you may have a homesick. But, in my opinion it is worthy because you get a lot of good things. You have the chance to learn a Second language, English culture and awesome people.



More Information



Name: Mackenzie
Surname: Winne
Country: United States, New York
Degree: BA in Studio Art
Age: 21


Name : Sin Hang

Surname: Yim

Country : Hong Kong

Degree: Journalism

Age: 23



Name : Monica

Surname: Ordoñez

Country: Pamplona (Spain)

Degree: 1st Year teaching  (3rd year in Spain)

Age: 20





Robert Capa: “If your photographs are not good enough is because you are not close enough.”

December 17, 2008

This is a sentenced that Robert Capa used to say while he was working.He was a 20th century combat who covered five different wars. In 1936, he took a picture of a soldier in the moment of his death that had become a legend.

In 1936 Robert Capa became known across the globe because of the photo he took in Córdoba, Spain of the Loyalist Militiaman who had just been shot in the head. Very little concrete information existed about this picture and, because of his proximity to the victim and the timing of the capture, there was a long controversy about its authenticity.

The Fallen Soldier, by Robert Capa

The Fallen Soldier, by Robert Capa

When The Falling Soldier was published in the July 12, 1937, issue of Life magazine, the caption stated Robert Capa’s camera catches a Spanish soldier the instant he is dropped by a bullet through the head in front of Córdoba.” Over the following years and decades, during and after Capa’s death, the photograph was widely published without any questions ever being raised about its reliability as an unposed document.

The photograph was being know as “The fallen soldier ” or ” Death of a militiaman and it turned into an icon of the Spanish contest and into a greatest work of the photojournalism of war. A recent studio of this picture corroborates that the picture is real. The soldiers were doing a practice when Capa was taking pictures and suddenly their enemies shot them. It was a coincidence very useful for the photographer.

The Spanish civil war surprised Capa when it stated in 1936. He went there as many soldiers to fight against Fascism. Maybe Spain was the only country where there would be a chance for people to decide what idea hold. Or, at least that was in Cappas´s head. His valor amazed the citizens in that war: while every one was scared or screaming because of the bombs from the planes or the bullets, this photographer was keeping on doing his work. That made him a good photographer, probably the best combat-one in those times.

He was in 1913 as Endre Ernő Friedmann. Cappa left the country when he was 18 after being arrested because of his political involvement with protestors against the government.He originally wanted to be a writer; however, he found work in photography in Berlin. In 1933, the rise of Nazism pushed him to move to France; he was. He adopted the name “Robert Capa” as it was similar to that of film director Frank Capra and therefore, his name would be more recognizable.

In the early 1950s, Capa traveled to Japan for an exhibition associated with Magnum Photos. While there, Life magazine asked him to go on assignment to Southeast Asia, to the First Indochina War. Despite the fact he had sworn not to photograph another war a few years earlier, Capa accepted and accompanied a French regiment with two other , the regiment was passing through a dangerous area under fire when Capa decided to leave his jeep and go up the road to photograph some of the advance. About five minutes later, Mecklin and Lucas heard a loud explosion. Capa had stepped on a landmine. When they arrived on the scene he was still alive, but his left leg had been blown to pieces and he had a serious wound in his chest. Mecklin screamed for a medic and Capa was taken to a small field hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. He had died with his camera in his hand.


December 17, 2008

It was the most famous shipwreck of the historic. Thanks to the cinema it became a legend in the world’s memory. All the newspapers from that age said that the ship could not sink because it was incredibly resistant.  Its compartments were dreadfully luxurious. The Titanic was the biggest movable machine ever built by human beings.

Everything began in Belfast. The hugest ship ever was built by 3000 people hands during a 2 year non-stop work. Twenty horses pulled the colossal anchor throw the streets. Some people where against the built, but no one paid attention to them. During the Belle Epoque (1910) it seems that everyday something new was invented.

Titanic only made one trip that started in April 10th of 1912

Titanic only made one trip that started in April 10th of 1912

In April 10th of 1912 started the inaugural trip of the Titanic from England to New York. No one expected that the ship would never reach the American coast. The Titanic crashes against an Iceberg. 1523 people were dead in the tragedy and 705 survived it.

In September the 1st of 1985, some investigators discovered the rests of the Titanic under the water. The names, ages and professions of the passengers of the Titanic were published in internet by first time 95 years after the ship sink in waters of the Atlantic during his inaugural trip. The list has been a secret until now.

Dozens of leaves with the original list of passengers, written manually, are available in the net included the classification of those who travelled in the ship. The list collects the plans of a lot of people that split from Southampton looking for a new life in United States in 1912. They went in a trip without return.



THE SITUATION OF ETA: loosing ideology

December 17, 2008

Fear. That is the main weapon that ETA, a Spanish terrorist group, uses against innocent people. And fear is a strong weapon.  It concerns thousands of citizens that just want one thing: life their lives peacefully.

In July the 31th of 1959 a group of radical Basque students joined in Bilbao and they assemble Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or ETA (Basque for “Basque Homeland and Freedom) as an illegal and armed Basque nationalist and separatist organization. In that time, there was a dictatorship in Spain. Dictator Franco began a strong repression against the Basque Country (north of Spain) after winning the civil war in 1939.

The first murder was done in June the 7th of 1968. Policeman José Pardines Arcay was murdered. But the main success in the rebellion against the oppressor State of Franco would not arrive until the designated “Ogre Operation”. In December the 20th of 1973 ETA killed the president of the Government, Luis Carrero Blanco.

In 1975 started the Spanish Democracy but ETA did not stop killing. Nowadays the number of murders overcomes the 800 casualties. According to a sociological study realized by the University of the Basque Country, more than 64 % of the Basques reject totally ETA, 11 % shares only its purposes, and less than 2 % supports its violence.   Therefore the problem is spawn by a few ones.

ETA's motto is Bietan jarrai ("Keep up on both"). This refers to the two figures in its symbol, a snake (representing politics) wrapped around an axe (representing armed fight).

ETA's motto is Bietan jarrai ("Keep up on both"). This refers to the two figures in its symbol, a snake (representing politics) wrapped around an axe (representing armed fight).

How does ETA get the money from?

There are several ways. Kidnappings is one of them; the terrorists ask some businessman to paid the “impuesto revolucionario” (the revolutionary task) and if they don’t pay, ETA uses kidnapping as a punishment. In 1996 it happened one of the most frightful kidnapping of the history of the humanity. Ortega Lara was kidnapped during 532 days.

Another way that ETA uses to get money is stealing weapons or TNT from fabrics in Spain or In France. To date, about 65% of ETA’s killings have been done in the Basque Country, followed Madrid with roughly 15%. Navarre and Cataluña also register significant numbers.

A month ago an important member of this terrorist group was under arrest. It is thought that Mikel Garikoitz Aspiazu Rubina, alias Txeroki, has been the boss ETA for a while. He was in a ski station in Cauterets (France) with a woman called Leire López Zurutuza  who also belongs to the band.

The capture of Txeroki means an important achievement for the Spanish antiterrorist forces. France and Spain are working together to sort their forces out in order to fight against terrorism. But it is important to be cautious. ETA  is it still alive and the Government needs to open its eyes and not keep following new clues.

There were two laptops in the place were Txeroki was captured but the information that are in them is locked with a special program. Maybe in those laptops there is information about who are the other important people of ETA. Time will say.